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About Us

OuR story .... So Far...



We are passionate about showing others the importance of self-care and making your needs a priority. We live our lives for beautiful experiences, adventure and wisdom, so you can guarantee that any of our events will have these on offer. We aim to inspire clients and friends to understand that it's okay to enjoy life and accept the blessings you are granted. Many people have been conditioned to sacrifice their own needs and made to feel shame for wanting to express their passions and dreams in order to pay the bills or comply with family beliefs and duties, never fully allowing themselves to experience the joy, their heart and soul seeks. Is it time you lived your life for you?



Meet Annemarie

Energy Healer - Yoga and Meditation Teacher - Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner - Complementary Therapist - Self-love advocate  - Empath- Empowering Dance Teacher - Honouring your Uniqueness - Freedom/Fun and Wisdom Seeker - Seaside Lover

Getting to know yourself is the best thing you can do. Give it time, be willing to see your light and your shadow And you will find ease and freedom from within.


Bringing the light and laughter to everyday situations: opening doors to new opportunities and always accepting you for who you are at this moment.


I am a big believer in living your best life and having freedom - what ever that means to you. For way too long we have lived in the old structure of a patriarchal system telling us what is right and what is wrong. I used to follow the rules and play by the book, but strangely it never gave me the promised results. Why? Because I wasn’t being true to myself, I wasn’t in tune with my body, I wasn’t aligned to the hard structure. It only caused me anxiety, stress and a feeling of not being good enough.  I learned how to let go of the strict rules, expectations of society/friends/family. I created a new way of living with more ease, more fun and going with the flow.


Have you ever wished to have a reset button to stop your mind from overthinking and to slow down your life? My healings will bring you into a state of deep rest where you can rejuvenate and nurture your mind, body and spirit. I help people to bring back balance, a sense of ease and give them the hope that they can live their dream life.


Your dreams were given to you for a reason. Explore that reason and I will support you on the journey.

         Meet Sammy-Jo 

Mental Capacity Advocate - Intuitive Empath - Angelic Usui Reiki Master Teacher - trainee Astrologer - Empowered Dance Teacher  -      Personal Image Consultant - ADHD Thinker - Freedom/ Fun and Wisdom Seeker.

Sometimes we need to see our darkest times to know that the light really does exist...

​Transformation is deeply engrained in my system (Scorpio woman), the power of the phoenix rising from the ashes, the caterpillar that thought it was coming to its end, yet to wake up to its magnificence and freedom. Always championing the underdog, and those shining stars who have forgotten that they too can sparkle, even in the darkest of nights. 


 I am very passionate about helping others reignite passion, confidence and joy into their lives. Working with different services and holistic approaches to help clients see how they can upgrade their lives and what hidden talents and super powers they have access to, that they might not currently be able to see in themselves. I am given visions of how a person could maximise their external look and also the internal beautiful qualities they bring to the world, in order for me to assist them to see this in themselves.


My healings can be deep, emotive and transformational for the receiver. When a client comes to me for a healing session, they must be ready and open to make the necessary changes needed to transform and heal the karmic wounds and fears they carry, with the aim to live their most passionate and fulfilled lives.


The lesson I learn every year is that life is magical when you open your eyes to the possibilities and opportunities available, and when you can recognise there is more to life than what our eyes can see. 


Ready to upgrade? Get in-touch 

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