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Image by Olga Thelavart

Rejuvenation Treatments

We are Transformational Healers, our treatments combine different spiritual practices channelled from different energetic systems. We work with Angelic Usui Reiki,  Inter-dimensional Frequencies and Light Language, practices such as sound and crystal healing, and ancient Ayurvedic healing practices. Our healings work on balancing energies to bring more inner harmony and to help heal deep energetic wounds. We help clients to upgrade and transform their lives, whilst understanding their limiting beliefs and energetic blockages that are stopping them from achieving their full potential.


Reiki & Crystal Healing 

| £48 | 60 min

This treatment is a gorgeous combination of Angelic Usui Reiki enhanced with powerful crystals. A hands-on treatment where we will balance all seven main chakras. Reiki is known for promoting stress and tension release, improving sleep and sharpening focus. We work with specific crystals for each client to achieve deep relaxation and to bring your body back to harmony.

Reiki Treatment

Transformational Reiki Healing

| £60 | 90 min

These healings are deep spiritual healings, for those who feel they are ready to let go of what no longer serves them, in order to transform their lives. These healings can be highly emotive and powerful. A range of healing modalities including sound, crystals, and pressure point release may be used to promote the experience. You will receive a reading at the end of the treatment.

Image by Viva Luna Studios

Rose quartz facial with Chakra balance

| £45 | 50 min

The rose quartz facial has many positive benefits for younger looking skin and gives a natural facelift. Our treatment is deeply calming, helping to reduce tension in your face and head, whilst helping to tone and cleanse your skin. We will also work on balancing and the alignment of your chakras to achieve the deepest relaxation and re-balance. This treatment can really help you to regain that natural 'glow'.

Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger

Angelic Usui Reiki

| £40 | 45 min

This is a hands-on treatment in order to re-balance all

the seven main chakras. At the end of the treatment, you will be advised on how to keep your chakras and body balanced. Reiki helps to reduce stress levels, improves sleep, and can also help with anxiety, fatigue, or reducing tension in the body.

Luxury Spa

Harmonising Massage & Reiki

|price varies, please get in touch

Treat yourself to the ultimate relaxation experience with our Harmonizing Full Body Massage, enhanced with Reiki energy healing Feel the stresses of the day melt away as our expert therapists work their magic, soothing tired muscles and restoring harmony to your body and mind. Sink into a state of deep relaxation and emerge feeling renewed, refreshed, and ready to take on the world.

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Aromatherapy Massage

|price varies, please get in touch

Indulge in our Aromatherapy Massage and let the soothing scents of essential oils transport you to a state of blissful relaxation. Feel tension dissolve as our skilled therapists gently knead away stress, leaving you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and deeply nourished from head to toe.


" I thoroughly enjoyed my Reiki with Sammy. It was very relaxing and thought provoking. Sammy explained everything to me after the session and it was very interesting. Sammy is an absolute natural and made me feel totally at ease. We think these treatments are luxuries but they should be necessities. So good for mind, body and soul." 

Our complimentary therapies and training is not offered  as a cure or as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment.  The information provided on this website, expressed or implied, is for the purposes of information only; it is not given as medical advice. If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency you are advised to consult your doctor.

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